
A Guide to Giving a Baby Pillow as a Gift

If you are in the market for a practical gift for a baby you know, a baby pillow is an excellent choice. The panoply of pillows on the market can make choosing the best pillow tricky. However, this guide will make it simple to pick out just the right baby pillow for the child you are thinking of. The most important question is, how old is the baby? Doctors recommend that children not be allowed to sleep with pillows until they turn two, since children under two can suffocate on pillows. If you are buying a present for a baby under the age of two, buy air swimmers a decorative pillow or a nursing pillow instead. If the child is a toddler of two or older, then they are ready for a sleeping pillow. Air Swimmers Decorative pillows are available in almost every size, shape, and color to match any decor. If buying a pillow off the shelf does not appeal to you, you can also personalize a baby pillow. For instance, find a pretty pillow that matches the childs bedroom, and have it embroidered with the childs name and birthdate to create a keepsake. Or commission a pillow to be printed with a photograph of the babys grandparents. If you are crafty, you can even buy a baby pillow blank and sew your own cover to create a truly special pillow. Nursing pillows are large, U shaped pillows that the mother arranges in her lap to provide extra support for the baby while she nurses. (They are excellent when bottle feeding, too, so they are also a good gift for fathers!) Nursing pillows are nicknamed "boppies," after the top brand, Boppy, but there are several good brands on the market. A baby pillow for sleeping is much smaller and less plump than adults pillows. Full sized adult pillows can give children neck cramps and make them sleep poorly because they are proportioned differently from adults. Pillow fillings that adults find comfortable, like feathers and down, can trigger allergies in children, so you should avoid them. The best baby pillow rc flying fish is at least half as large and thick as an adults pillow, and is stuffed with a hypoallergenic filling and covered with soft, smooth fabric. As a final touch, add pillowcases printed with the childs favorite animal or cartoon character. If you follow this guide and your sense of the childs and the parents tastes, you will choose a baby pillow that will make a wonderful gift. You can be certain that you have not only given the child a practical gift, you have made it easier for them to sleep.

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