
How the Leaders Create Wealth with MLM or Network Marketing

My personal success has spanned over many years and just two careers: themilitary and sales management. I thought that marketing online would be a snap.What I discovered is a whole new way of marketing and sales that has taken time,learning, and unfortunately for me, several thousands of dollars in educationand failed opportunities. Once I learned the principles of marketing online and combining that knowledgewith the traits and principles of success for any endeavor, everything changed.Every so often, I met along the way, leaders in this industry that was aboveboard and much more truthful than most. It is from this persistent applicationof my desire to succeed online that I met these people and put the puzzle together.Please know this: Nothing great in life comes fast and easy.Principle Nail art #1: Best Free Marketing: Marketing online for the majority, especiallyfor MLM or network marketing takes hard work. It is not as easy as one is led tobelieve by many advertising online and in print. I know of no one in thisindustry that is massively successful that will tell you otherwise. The only wayto reduce the time and difficulty is by having a tremendous amount of funds toinvest in support to build your business. That fits a very small pocket of peoplein this world; for most of us, we must be realistic and understand we will workhard for the benefits of this industry.The leaders today promoted their business through creating free useful contentin the form of articles, videos, social media, forums and a host of other means.To get started today, articles and videos get the best results depending on theamount of your activity. Spend as much time as you can each day creating originalarticles and videos. In the beginning I did not get many articles and videos donebecause of my inexperience. Once I gained the experience (after a week or so), morecontent went out and more people contacted me or responded to me for networkingor a look at my business. It is possible to get as much as 50+ leads a dayfrom this activity within months; it just depends on the amount of your activity. Principle #2: Paid Marketing: Almost every one of the massively successful onlinemarketers today have mastered Pay Per Click advertising. Be careful here. You mustknow what you are doing or you can throw good money away like I did. A fewthousands of dollars invested and no profit. That can be a difficult lesson for most.I am the persistent turtle though and have learned. The basics that you mustmaster: Campaign set-up, ad set-up, best long tail keywords, and analysis forfine tuning your campaigns. You do not have to use PPC; however, it is a great wayto build your business.Principle #3 Become a Leader: Massive success does not come to the work force. Itis the leader that get the most recognition and benefits. Leaders are made morethan they are born. This is reality. If you analyze the backgrounds and historyof the MLM and network marketing leaders today, they studied principles ofleadership and surrounded themselves with other leaders in the industry and inother industries. They learned and applied themselves with passion.Be consistent in your learning; network with leaders. Provide original contentand get active each day. Learn every aspect of your business and become a teacher.When you teach others how to succeed, you become a leader. There are no corners tocut on this principle. As you become more active online, people will notice andseek you out. Overcome your fear of anything new that you must learn and give ita go! Principle #4: Branding: When you think of Mike Dillard do you think of MagneticSponsoring? Jonathan Budd...Attraction marketing and the MasterMind? Developyour brand. Like leadership this will take time. Think about what value you willbring to the market. Do you know what it is today? Until you can specificallydetermine the value you will bring, you cannot expect massive success or a brand.Once you do, everything will change for you. You will have more clarity in yourmarketing and a wonderful sense of purpose. Branding takes time....but the rewardsare huge!This is a wonderful industry my friends. The rewards are great. Again, successwill not come quick - success takes time, training, and hard work. Most of thebig time hitters in this industry took 2-3 years to get on the Iphone 4s Sim Tools upper rungs of thesuccess ladder. Some less time; and as long as you know what needs to be done,choose your opportunity carefully, work hard and you will be the one I find on asearch sooner than later!

